martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

WHAT ARE THE WINES BIODYNAMIC ?Processes and changes that have occurred throughout the history of viticulture are as old and diverse as is the history of wine. Viticulture is a branch of horticulture and as such is complex and can adopt different methods.
Thus, a variant that has recently emerged and has become more popular is the biodynamic viticulture, following the principles of biodynamic agriculture, a branch developed from the first half of the twentieth century as a method of organic farming that treats farms as complex organisms whose components are interrelated and form a whole should be treated as a whole and not as the sum of different parts.
Biodynamic farming differs from other types of organic farming in the use of herbal preparations and minerals for soil and crop its relationship with the astronomical calendar. The wines produced by the methods of biodynamic viticulture are called biodynamic wines.

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