viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

The tastings between amateur and professional follow the same rules.
Some details to consider:
. Time: preferably before meals, ideally at 11 or at 18.
. Location: no smoke and no smell of food, snuff or perfume. Use a white background for easy visual inspection.
. Light: day is ideal, but if electricity is used, common lamps are better than fluorescent tubes.
. Presentation: Fundamental serve wine at the appropriate temperature. For blind tastings, we must hide the bottles and number them.
. Order no perfect order, but in principle, white wines go before red, dry before sweet, light before the concentrates and simple rather than complex.
. Cups: the standard cup is the ideal, but you can also use any tulip-shaped glass.
. Spiters: spitting individual containers that can be filled with sawdust fraperas halfway (so that the wine does not splash).
. Toast: used to cleanse the palate; Like water.
. Notes: sheets of paper or tasting notes describing each wine.

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